The 8th Golden Sugarcane Film Festival, 2013
What is Golden Sugarcane Film Festival?
This is a grand film gathering that celebrates the spirit of “on-site filming, on-site post-production and on-site sharing”. Founded by local Taiwanese filmmakers in 2006, Golden Sugarcane Film Festival is a competition for 10-minute short films.
What’s the Theme of the 8th Golden Sugarcane Film Festival?
Rediscovery of «Meinong»
The Meinong we used to know:
- The anti-dam movement, the ecologist convention – Yellow Butterfly Festival, all these activities and events make Meinong to be a place of progress.
- Oil-paper umbrella, Hakka (flat) noodle, tobacco-making buildings, (word-worshipping) pavilion, all these things and spaces become the symbols of Meinong, and shape the identity of Meinong.
- The writer Zhong, Li-he, former «Jiao-Gong» music group and singer Sheng-xhiang, from words to songs, they all contribute the cultural aspect of Meinong.
There are still many things to share…
More about «Meinong»
- More than hundred years ago, the seed production tree stand, coming from South Pacific country and planted by the colonizer, has grasped tidily this land today,
- Here, the transnational marriages rate is the highest in Taiwan, most of the ladies come from South-East Asia. They formed their family, gave birth of children and also entered into the local production system, as the seed production tree stand, deepen their roots in this land,
- Stands on the hill, surrounded by Chi-wei, Jin-zi-mian, Ling, Yue-guang, Shwan-Feng, Ren-zi, Li mountains…each of these names gives Meinong people the orientation of their living space,
- There is not only Hakka foods; Meinong has its own gastronomy characters with its local vegetables and plantations,
- This year, all the cities and villages have greatly invest themselves into competition of the «top 10 tourist spots» in Taiwan, and Meinong has entered into the final round. However, we wonder if the development of tourism can bring any tangible or intangible changes for Meinong.
Through local people’s eyes and dialogues, you may learn more about it.
Since 90’s, the community consciousness was constructed through the anti-dam movement. Meinong became not only the model of Taiwanese communities, but also the new homeland of Taiwanese Hakka culture. The township Meinong carries with itself the image of the most motivated township in social movements.
Nevertheless, we should ask if these ideal narrations about Meinong would not become another limitation for us to look it deeper. Are there any precious but hidden parts which have never been seen yet? This small township reputed with its motivated actions, perhaps it still have some pending problems to be solved, or is there any new challenges waiting us in the front? And the last but not the least, can we use the image to create a brand new Meinong?
The strong cohesion of Meinong’s community is our resources. But we are going to challenge and rethink it. Meanwhile, we wonder if we had this capability to use the images to communicate with the local groups.
This year, the «Golden Sugarcane Film Festival» comes to Meinong with these questions; we look forward to deep into local community, with all the outsider-participants, and with people of Meinong to rediscover this famous township.
Filming on-site, for the whole world to see!
Requirement for applicants:
A team of 3 to 12 persons who are able to make a 10 minutes film on their own, with their own equipments.
What’s the application process?
- Send your application forms (see annex no.1 and 2) and proposal (see annex no. 3) to between the 19th and 26th October 2012 , Taiwan time.
- Be sure to provide detailed information for each member of the team, so we can take care of insurance and arrange accommodations for you.
- The proposal is important for the selection committee; it should be an overview of how you are going to make this film, with a description of filming plan and thepost-production, preferably including schema, scenario, continuity script, etc.
- The lineup of finalists will be announced on November 5th, 2012 at our official website: .
What’s the next step when you’re a finalist?
- Fill in and sign the disclaimer statement (see annex no. 4).
- Report yourself to the Golden Sugarcane Film Festival at 10 -12 pm, 27 January 2013, in No.15, Road Shing-Tang, Chiao-To District, Kaohsiung City, TAIWAN. Hand in the guarantee of NT$ 5000 and begin your residency.
- All finalist teams are invited to join the festival inauguration at 2 pm on January 27th 2013. All teams must finish the film in a week, from January 27 to February 2, 2013. The ceremony of awards will be held at 6 pm, February 3, 2013.
- Submission of films is due at 2 pm, February 2013.
- The guarantee of NT$ 5000 will be confiscated if the team cannot finish the film on time. After the team hand in the 10-minute film before the deadline, and check out from the residency by February 4, the guarantee will be returned.
Review process:
- The board of reviewers is organized by Golden Sugarcane Film Festival Association.
- Twenty teams will be selected from applicants by examining the proposals. Criterion: suitability of theme (50%), potential of proposal (50%).
- The premiere of all films finished by the finalist teams will take place at 6 pm, February 2nd, 2013 and hereafter announcing winners of Golden Sugarcane Award.
- For Golden Sugarcane Award: NT$ 100,000 and the trophy.
- For Audience’s Choice Award: decided by the ballot of audience during the premiere, with a probably surprising sum of bonus.
- For all teams: a real sugarcane, and Meinong’s’ specialty - “White Jade Radish”!
Things We Should Remind You:
- All team must hand in the 10-minute film between 12:00 and 14:00 on February 2nd, 2013. The film should be in AVI format (NTSC, 720x480) and also in DVD format. Failing to run the film successfully on the computer will result the disqualification and thus no refund of the NT$ 5,000 guarantee.
- Please make sure the film should NOT be longer than 10 minutes. Films exceeding ten minutes won’t be viewed by the reviewing committee nor will be no screening, nor publication in the album of the 8th Golden Sugarcane Film Festival, 2013.
- The Golden Sugarcane Film Festival (Association) and the author (team) share the copyright of the film, while the moral right belongs to the author (team). The Golden Sugarcane Film Festival (Association) reserves all rights to promote (publication via internet, DVD, CD-ROM, audio-publishing, etc.), to preserve and to edit the film without paying neither extra rewards nor royalties to the author (team).
- All teams have legal authority for all material in the films, such as images, sounds, music, scripts.
- The Golden Sugarcane Film Festival (Association) is not responsible for any breach of the intellectual property law or other regulations, by any participant team, which might cause compensation responsibilities of sort.
- Any team that offers false information on application forms is to be disqualified.
- Save your own copy of any necessary documents, the application envelope won’t be sent back to participant teams.
- Always be kind to the environment of your working site, think twice before you make use of any object in the nature.